Malaysian National Curriculum (KSSR)
Sekolah Rendah Sri Acmar offers the Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) from Standard 1 until Standard 6. Mandarin is a subject within the curriculum from Standard 1 to Standard 6. It is taught at three levels – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Mathematics and Science are taught following the KSSR Syllabus.
This is further strengthened by the teaching of Mathematics and Science using the Singapore and Cambridge Curricular.
Dual Language Programme (DLP)
Under this Ministry of Education (MoE) initiated programme, implemented in 2016, Science and Mathematics will be taught in English to our primary school students.
Cambridge English
Learning English allows our students to broaden their knowledge, improve job opportunities in future and their ability to relate to people around globe. We incorporate ‘Cambridge English’ in our English Classes.
Special Mathematics Programme
A special Mathematics programme has recently been introduced to the first formers under the direct tutelage of Dr Fong Ho Kheong, a renowned Singapore Mathematics specialist. This Brain Builder Programme aims to commission students with creative and critical thinking.